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12 May 2010

‘Barcelona keen to clinch Villa deal before WC’

David VillaBarcelona are keen to clinch the signing of David Villa from Valencia before the World Cup finals, according to reports in the Spanish media on Tuesday.

Madrid sports daily Marca claimed on Tuesday that Barca president Joan Laporta wants the signing of Villa to be his “farewell present” to the Barca fans.

Laporta will step down as president in June after seven largely successful years in charge.

Marca went on to suggest that Laporta intends to present Villa to the media as a Barca player on May 19, after paying Valencia around 35 million euros (45.18 million dollars) for the Euro 2008 top scorer.

Catalan paper Sport said Valencia want 40 million euros for Villa, and will not accept Barca players in part payment.

Villa, 28, was close to signing for Barca in 2009 and for Real Madrid in 2008.

Bernd Schuster, who was coach of Real in 2008, controversially claimed in March that Real captain Raul and other senior players vetoed the signing of Villa two years ago.

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